Thursday, April 10, 2008

Obama joins Clinton, urges President Bush to boycott Olympic opening ceremonies in Beijing

In sports related news, Obama has joined Clinton in denouncing the Olympic ceremonies in China, and has urged Bush to do the same. This is important as it shows future presidential candidates trying to influence the current president into making decisions which show TRUE leadership, and American ideals.

From the article,
Clinton had commended British Prime Minister Gordon Brown for announcing that he will skip the August ceremonies in China’s capital, and called on Obama and likely Republican presidential nominee John McCain to join her in urging Bush to do the same.

Obama did later in the day; his campaign issued a statement in which, for the first time, he urged Bush to boycott the festivities.

Activists are urging world leaders to stay away from the ceremonies to underscore concerns about China’s human rights record, its handling of recent unrest in Tibet and its relationship with Sudan.

Obama said a boycott “should be firmly on the table,” but that a decision should be made closer to the Games.

“If the Chinese do not take steps to help stop the genocide in Darfur and to respect the dignity, security and human rights of the Tibetan people, then the president should boycott the opening ceremonies,” he said. “As I have communicated in public and to the president, it is past time for China to respect the human rights of the Tibetan people, to allow foreign journalists and diplomats access to the region, and to engage the Dalai Lama in meaningful talks about the future of Tibet.”

Full Article Here

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

McCain Won't Rule Out Pre-Emptive War

Here's the John McCain we all love right...? The war mongering, Bush twin, who even at his old age of 76, still has a desire to bring death upon other nations. Not only that, but pre-emptive war, war without negotiation. War without diplomacy. George W Bush style war.

Take from the Huffington Post,
The likely Republican presidential nominee was asked Wednesday at a town-hall style meeting if he would reject "the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive war," a reference to Bush's decision to invade Iraq without it having attacked the United States.

"I don't think you could make a blanket statement about pre-emptive war, because obviously, it depends on the threat that the United States of America faces," McCain told his audience at Bridgewater Associates Inc., a global investment firm.

"If someone is about to launch a weapon that would devastate America, or have the capability to do so, obviously, you would have to act immediately in defense of this nation's national security interests."

Full Article Here

Monday, April 7, 2008

Obama Girl vs...McCain Mama?

Well first there was the Obama Girl video, now just recently we see the McCain Mama video, as shown on Glenn Beck's show. This is pretty interesting to see the role these figures play in shaping ones votes, along with the large mockery involved.

Pretty funny stuff, check it out.