Friday, April 25, 2008

Obama Look Too Good for President? Too Elitist?

I found this video also to be very interesting, as a reporter asks him if he feels that looking too much like a GQ model, will push some voters away from him. He later goes on to candidly discuss his bowling score, which happened a couple weeks before, and then talk about his background, and how the other two candidates are far more likely to be considered elitist, than he. It's just a pity to show that these are issues that voters care about, elitism, and how one looks, rather then real life issues and policies of a candidate.

From the description
Recently a local news reporter asked Barack Obama whether he was too good-looking to relate to working class people. She stated how some think that Obama looks like a male cover model from the magazine "GQ". Hmm... I don't think they ever thought this would be the problem.

He goes on to address comments that he is an "elitist", which is the most bizarre thing to pin on someone who was raised by a single mother and his grandparents, who was a community activist and civil rights lawyer on Chicago's poor South side, and who has just finished paying off his students loans after working to get into Harvard.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Low Road to Victory

I found this article to be really something, as its talking about Clinton pulling out all the stops, to win Pennsylvania. In the end, she did, but she did so by taking the so-called "low road". A highlight of the article is below, and I have embedded this so called ad for you to view.
On the eve of this crucial primary, Mrs. Clinton became the first Democratic candidate to wave the bloody shirt of 9/11. A Clinton television ad — torn right from Karl Rove’s playbook — evoked the 1929 stock market crash, Pearl Harbor, the Cuban missile crisis, the cold war and the 9/11 attacks, complete with video of Osama bin Laden. “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen,” the narrator intoned.

Full Article Here

The Bruising Will Go On for the Party, Too

The race goes on!
Clinton has beat Obama in the Penn Primary, and has vowed to continue on, in her hunt for the White House. When will she back out? Who knows...
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton defeated Senator Barack Obama in Pennsylvania on Tuesday by enough of a margin to continue a battle that Democrats increasingly believe is undermining their effort to unify the party and prepare for the general election against Senator John McCain.

Despite a huge investment of time and money by Mr. Obama and pressure on Mrs. Clinton by the party establishment to consider folding her campaign, she won her third big state in a row. Mrs. Clinton showed again that she is a tenacious campaigner with an ability to connect with the blue-collar voters Mr. Obama has found elusive and who could be critical to a Democratic victory in November.

Mrs. Clinton’s margin was probably not sufficient to fundamentally alter the dynamics of the race, which continued to favor an eventual victory for Mr. Obama. But it made clear that the contest will go on at least a few weeks, if not more. And it served to underline the concerns about Mr. Obama’s strengths as a general election candidate. Exit polls again highlighted the racial, economic, sex and values divisions within the party.

Full Article Here

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Chris Matthews: The Media Created "Delusion" That Hillary Can Win

Here MSNBC's Chris Matthews discusses how Obama will be the nominee, and to think otherwise is merely a delusion. To some voters in Penn, 4 out of 5, genuinely thought Clinton still had a chance, so this story is rather interesting. More ironic, is that here is the media, saying that the media created this delusion. Though some would say MSNBC is a liberal network, with guys like Keith Olberman and what not, one does not know the full extent it has played in stringing Clinton along all this time.

Full Article Here

Monday, April 21, 2008

Rendell Says College Kids "Drink The Kool-Aid" Of Obama Speeches

I found this story to be quite funny actually, as I somewhat believe it to be true. Obama, to many, seems to be very genuine, and a savior of sorts. However, to others, it appears he is all hype with little experience. Watch the video.
Appearing with a group of college students on Fox News over yesterday, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell said that a lot of young people "drink the Kool-Aid" of Obama's speeches, prompting the reporter to say "you're suggesting that they're being suckered."

Full Article Here

Sunday, April 20, 2008

McCain voted against MLK Day at almost 50 years of age!

From the article,
Check out John McCain trying to wiggle his way out of the fact that he voted against MLK day back in 1983. John McCain was born in 1936. He was how old, how old—hmmmm—let’s see…maybe 47 years old I think. He was almost 50 years old and he voted against MLK day! You see he needed just a few more years to figure out the impact MLK had on our society. He certainly can’t say in this statement that he was young and inexperienced. Nope, he has to give the impression that he was young and inexperienced since it was his first year in Congress—so he studied and learned and studied and learned until it dawned on him. And then he suddenly realized he made a big mistake.

I think this is very interesting, since he now not only needs to put this fact behind him, but is trying to appear Pro-African American as he travels through the Ghettos and what not.

Full Article Here