Monday, May 12, 2008

Clinton Team Acknowledges $20 Million Debt

In a class where we recently discussed Campaign Finance, as well as the degree to which candidates use their websites for personal contributions, I found this article interesting. Here is Clinton with $20 million in debt, much of that financed by her own pocket, and she is STILL continuing on. What will it take for her to bow out? Oh well, its her problem, right...?

Clinton aides continued to insist that she will remain in the race even while confirming that she is $20 million in debt. "The voters are going to decide this," senior adviser Howard Wolfson said on "Fox News Sunday," acknowledging the $20 million figure. "There is no reason for her not to continue this process." Wolfson said he has seen "no evidence of her interest" in pursuing the second-place spot on the Democratic ticket, contrary to rumors that she is staying in the race to leverage a bid for the vice presidential nomination.

Full article here

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