Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Role of SNL and Mockery

I decided that I would make one post highlighting the ways SNL has mocked both Obama, and Clinton recently. They continue to make fun of the fact that Obama has little experience, while Clinton just wont get the hint to quit, and end her campaign. I can only say so much, check the video out to fully see what I mean.

"There can only be one"

Even John McCain gets into the action...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Can Clinton Go Back to the Senate?

This is a very interesting take on Clinton's success or lack there of. In the article, it asks the question of whether or not Clinton can even continue as a senator, and may actually retire. However, I feel that based on Obama's performance should he become President, she may try to run in 2012, and that's the only reason shes still in the race. Regardless, things are sure heating up...

Full article here

Thursday, May 15, 2008

McCain Lies, Says Reagan Didn't Negotiate With Iran

Once again, McCain has demonstrated a complete lack of knowledge about foreign policy and American history. First he got confused over Sunnis and Shiites, now this. McCain seems to be forgetting something kind of important that happened during the Reagan administration. It's called the Iran-Contra Scandal. Even in a recent history class I took last quarter, did we all learn about this, and how things played out. Yet this 76 year old is somehow forgetful?

He says,
“Yes, there have been appeasers in the past, and the president is exactly right, and one of them is Neville Chamberlain,'’ Mr. McCain told reporters on his campaign bus after a speech in Columbus, Ohio. “I believe that it’s not an accident that our hostages came home from Iran when President Reagan was president of the United States. He didn’t sit down in a negotiation with the religious extremists in Iran, he made it very clear that those hostages were coming home."

Full article here

Edwards endorses Obama, praises Clinton

Finally Edwards has come forward to support Obama, and his campaign. He realizes that Democrats across the country have spoken, and Barrack is there man. This is a huge gain for the Obama campaign, and it will be interesting to see how the MSM react to this news.

"There is one man who knows and understands that this is a time for bold leadership. There is one man that knows how to create the change, the lasting change, that you have to build from the ground up," Edwards said. "There is one man who knows in his heart there is time to create one America, not two ... and that man is Barack Obama."

Full article here

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Clinton: It'd be 'terrible mistake' to pick McCain over Obama

I found this article interesting, as Clinton is basically saying that it would be a huge mistake to pick McCain over Obama, highlighting the fact that she actually does support Obama, and not McCain, someone who she has appeared close to in recent years. She basically sends this message to her supporters who might feel that Obama is not their man, and if she doesnt win the nomination, vote for McCain to spite Obama.

"Anybody who has ever voted for me or voted for Barack has much more in common in terms of what we want to see happen in our country and in the world with the other than they do with John McCain," Clinton said on CNN's "The Situation Room."

Full article here

Monday, May 12, 2008

Clinton Team Acknowledges $20 Million Debt

In a class where we recently discussed Campaign Finance, as well as the degree to which candidates use their websites for personal contributions, I found this article interesting. Here is Clinton with $20 million in debt, much of that financed by her own pocket, and she is STILL continuing on. What will it take for her to bow out? Oh well, its her problem, right...?

Clinton aides continued to insist that she will remain in the race even while confirming that she is $20 million in debt. "The voters are going to decide this," senior adviser Howard Wolfson said on "Fox News Sunday," acknowledging the $20 million figure. "There is no reason for her not to continue this process." Wolfson said he has seen "no evidence of her interest" in pursuing the second-place spot on the Democratic ticket, contrary to rumors that she is staying in the race to leverage a bid for the vice presidential nomination.

Full article here

McCain’s Economic Policies Like A Third Bush Term? YES!

I've wanted to post something like this up for a while, ever since I saw his answer during one of the debates. McCain + economic policies = AMERICA's LOSS. The current Bush administration has literally put this country into one of the worst economic times in a while, through multiple wars and it's foreign policy, not to mention the role of Federal Reserve lately, and massive inflation. Will John McCain be able to come in, and radically change this, no. Does this video prove that, more or less, yes.

Full Article Here